Kristen Jenks began the second
stage of her career in 2002 after transitioning from the world of corporate finance,
where she participated in raising capital, mergers and acquisitions, and
strategic planning for a number of national and global corporations. She co-founded Lumina Partners with a fellow
corporate dropout, with a focus on providing strategic and financial consulting
services to small businesses and individuals.
Twelve years ago, Kristen was recruited by a close friend and Rochester-based
mediator to be a resource to her clients as a neutral financial expert in divorce
engagements. Over time, Kristen has expanded her services to include all
aspects of equitable distribution consulting, including business and retirement
plan valuations, QDRO preparation, and educating divorcing parties on how to
determine the best ways to achieve their objectives throughout the equitable
distribution process. Her client base
has expanded beyond her hometown of Rochester, and she now works with clients
of mediators and attorneys throughout New York State. She is happy to be able to use her skills to
help couples navigate the complexities of unwinding their economic partnership when facing divorce.
earned a BA in Psychology from Bucknell University and was named to the Psi Chi
psychology honorary society. She achieved
her MBA with a concentration in Finance from The College of William and Mary
and was named to Beta Gamma Sigma, the business honorary society. In 2004 she received her certificate as a CFA
Charterholder, giving her a deep understanding of asset valuation processes.
Kristen is a member of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation, the Rochester Association of Family Mediators and the International Association of Collaborative Professionals. She was Treasurer and a
member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Council on Divorce
Mediation from 2017 through 2023.
She is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Rochester chapter
of the CFA Society, and a past Member of the Board of Directors and Audit
Committee Chair for the Rochester chapter of the American Red Cross.
Contact Kristen Jenks at: or 585-738-2927